West Jerome
West Jerome Project

West Jerome, Arizona
The West Jerome property consists of approximately five square kilometers of claims on the west side of Freeport McMoran patented lands. The property – a Volcanogenic Sulfide camp – is a high-grade, massive sulfide target located 2.4 km south of the past-producing United Verde Mine (33 million tons of 4.36% Cu, 1.53 opt Ag and 0.042 opt Au; 2.9 Billion lbs of copper). The Company may not obtain similar results from its West Jerome property.

The West Jerome Property has excellent geological and geophysical support for a large Volcanogenic massive sulfide target. The property has two favourable stratigraphic horizons traced from the United Verde mine onto West Jerome. Both surface exposures and limited drilling have identified strong chloritic alteration typical on a VMS feeder pipe on West Jerome. Furthermore, geophysical surveys (electromagnetic) on West Jerome have identified 2 strong anomalies (red on the figure below) coincident with the favourable stratigraphic horizons and chlorite alteration (feeder pipe). The pink dots and legs on the figure below are the planned drilling to test these coincident anomalies.
Lowell Copper conducted 2 gravity surveys by Zonge International Inc. (“Zonge”) over the Project, which generated two anomalies, one being open-ended. Zonge recommended further work to better define the open-ended anomaly, however due to market conditions and other priorities, Lowell Copper has preferred not to proceed further with the Project. As a result, First Vanadium retains a 100% interest in the Project, now supported by gravity anomalies.